Lessons learnt from the pandemic: How to be resilient
Very few SMEs have had any experience with a global pandemic before COVID-19. During the best of times the business environment is unpredictable, but entrepreneurs have learned to manage and adjust to its “normal” variations. Therefore, it is important to accept that it’s almost impossible to predict how long the uncertainty will last, and things
Irish Case Study: Catia’s Entrepreneurial journey-“Turning passion and creativity into a business”.
Description of business Recently opened in Roscommon town, West of Ireland, Rummage loves to share with you their passion for the past. They sell antique, vintage and retro furniture, household and whatever else they can find! Rummage also offers a furniture upcycling service with the aim of saving that piece which may otherwise be heading
The importance of networking
To set up a good business you actually need to be a jack of all trades. Coming up with an idea, setting up a plan, having financial overview, doing market research, and of course: building a network. A strong network is very important for the success of your business. Both to find customers and people
Het belang van een goed netwerk
Om een goed bedrijf op te zetten moet je eigenlijk van alle markten thuis zijn. Een idee bedenken, een plan opzetten, financieel overzicht hebben, marktonderzoek doen, en zeker ook: een netwerk opbouwen. Een sterk netwerk is van groot belang voor het succes van je bedrijf. Zowel voor het vinden van klanten als mensen met wie
Marketing does not always have to cost a lot of money
You have founded a company or are currently writing your business plan and are thinking about how your company should actually do its advertising? After all, you are just starting out and don't have endless money, especially for marketing expenses. However, marketing is important to attract new customers and increase your sales. In the following
Marketing muss nicht immer viel Geld kosten
Du hast eine Firma gegründet oder schreibst gerade an deinem Businessplan und machst dir Gedanken, wie deine Firma eigentlich Werbung machen soll? Schließlich fängst du ja gerade erst an und hast nicht endlos viel Geld, vor allem nicht für Marketingausgaben. Jedoch ist das Marketing wichtig um neue Kunden zu gewinnen und so deinen Absatz stets
Video: Starting afresh: How entrepreneurship empowers refugees
Entrepreneurship empowers refugees. It gives them the opportunity to take control over their lives and start afresh. Zimbabwean refugee Faith Gakanje and Syrian refugee Razan Alsous share their experience of resettling in the UK and their path towards entrepreneurship. To find about their journey, follow the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDMABaAO-bE
Top Tips: 5 Steps to Build a Business for Migrant Entrepreneurs
The first thing every entrepreneur needs to understand is that there is a great difference between trying to open a business in your own country and being a migrant entrepreneur. According to statistics, a very large number of entrepreneurs are actually migrants. This is why in this article, we are going to mainly focus